Graduate Student in Community Planning
Tram Vo
Spring 2018
Pepperell Parkway Corridor Plan
This is a corridor plan that strengthens the current conditions of Pepperell Parkway as well as the City of Opelika. A corridor plan also helps incorporating the community health, benefits, and urban aesthetic. The corridor will function as a connection of community and neighborhood, as well as this is also create a new station for working, shopping, and living. Moreover, the Corridor Plan will provide a detailed assessment of existing conditions and improve the current development standards to create a comprehensive plan for the whole corridor. However, the plan will not gain the height limitation or increase the intensity of existing zoning standards.
The corridor plan is available here:
SWOT Analysis
Fall 2017
Land Use Planning

Create a comprehensive land use plan for Hypothetical City, analyze the land suitability and develop the land policy for the city as well. Skills that used to complete the project are GIS, Excel, analyzing data, creating chart and graph.
spring 2017
Downtown Auburn Measuring

The measurement of E Magnolia Street is based on basic standards and criteria of human scale, such as the complexity, imageability, transparency, and enclosure. Hand-drawing map and spider chart are used to assess the street quality.